Please fill in all information below

­ Employment you are looking for?

1) Type of employment are you currently searching for?
a. Examples: Nurses, Physicians, therapists, social workers, counseling

2) Technology & Professional Services
a. Examples: Software engineer, technician, data scientist, consultants,

3) Retail & Hospitality
a. Examples: Restaurants, hotels & travel employees, sales, chefs, event planning, Customer Service roles

4) Education & Governmental Services
a. Examples: teacher, professors, government roles, law enforcement

5) Manufacturing & Construction
a. Example: Warehouse laborers, contractors, electrician, engineers, construction, Shipping, Inventor Managers

6) Finance & Business
a. Example: Accountants, insurance agents, auditor, financial, operations manager, Administration, Administrative

7) Other

When you request services through Christian HELP, we may connect you to partner community and faith organizations through The NewOrg software to work together in order to holistically address your needs and provide you with effective services. This release of information is written consent that upon your request, we may share your information with other service providers or agencies.

I understand that:
This agency will refuse to serve me simply because I do not want my information in their database system and may share with other service agencies at my request.
My written consent gives Christian HELP and NewOrg Management System software the permission to share limited personal information in their database system, which is a secure, encrypted web-based system. My information can only be shared with other The NewOrg software Partner Agencies within the secure system.
All organizations using the The NewOrg Management System software database are required to have security procedures in place regarding the protection and sharing of all client data. I have been assured that The NewOrg software has an interagency agreement regarding shared data.
This authorizes select information about me to be used to conduct research reports on the various types of resources, characteristics of those utilizing services, effectiveness of the services and patterns over time. I will not be personally identified by name, social security number or other unique characteristics in the research reports.

Image or Video Release

I authorize Christian HELP to use elements of my story, my photographs or video for media print and online advertising. I understand that my name will not be used in my story without my further permission, nor will I be compensated for my photographs or videos.
